Leadership Episodes

Jan. 13, 2021

Ep. 54 R-E-S-P-E-C-T- How to Get It AND What To Do If You Lose It!

Where personal development & leadership converge. One of the most common issues facing leaders is how to get respect from the team. The answer is simple but not easy. How do you get respect as a leader? How do you get it back if you lose it?! In this episode Daryl dives into the tact…

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July 23, 2020

Ep. 46- Leaders Are Speakers and How to Connect & Relate To Who You'r…

In this episode Daryl speaks to someone he has the utmost respect for and who serves as a mentor, Colin Boyd. Colin is a husband & dad, and he is passionate about enabling you to become the best version of yourself. He help...

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June 18, 2020

Ep. 40 How to Deliver Bad News for Leaders 2020

Where personal development and leadership converge. Not everything in leadership will be positive. As a leader you will be required to deliver news relative to layoffs, handle a perception issue, or in general deliver informa...

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