EP 32 - Leading Through Chaos Series: Perspective From an Expert:Tom Miner
EP 32 - Leading Through Chaos Series: Perspective From an E…
Tom retired from Pierce County after 27 years with the Sheriff’s department and 7 years with the Pierce County Department of Emergency Mana…
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May 19, 2020

EP 32 - Leading Through Chaos Series: Perspective From an Expert:Tom Miner

EP 32 - Leading Through Chaos Series: Perspective From an Expert:Tom Miner

Tom retired from Pierce County after 27 years with the Sheriff’s department and 7 years with the Pierce County Department of Emergency Management. While with the Sheriff’s department he was responsible for all search and rescue activity in the county,...

Tom retired from Pierce County after 27 years with the Sheriff’s department and 7 years with the
Pierce County Department of Emergency Management. While with the Sheriff’s department he
was responsible for all search and rescue activity in the county, responding to hundreds of SAR
missions throughout the region and representing law enforcement in the county EOC during
disaster operations.

Tom left the Sheriff’s department as a Major in 2003 to join PCDEM as the Program Manager for
Washington States US&R Task Force, (WATF 1) part of FEMA’s National Urban Search and
Rescue program.
Tom has served as a US&R Task Force Leader and is a member of the FEMA Incident Support
Team (IST) and was the White Incident Support Team leader from 2010 to December 2014.

He has responded to a long list of emergencies and disasters to include 1994 Northridge
Earthquake, the Oklahoma City Bombing, 9/11 at ETC & the Pentagon, Shuttle Columbia search &
9 hurricanes including Katrina & Irma (Puerto Rico)

This is Part 1 of the interview. To view Part 2 and the complete interviews with 11 other experts in leading through chaos register for Daryl's FREE Leading Through Chaos Online Summit at www.ddbsummit.com.

Full transcript available by joining our weekly Digest: www.daryldblack.com/Digest

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