#leadership #listening #activelistening #communication
We've all heard the phrase you were given two ears and one mouth for a reason. On this episode we talk about active listening and the key to winning the war on focusing on the conversation. Do you spend more time formulating the response to your team in your head when you ask for an explanation? Do you have a preconceived idea and don't listen to the story? If so, you are doing yourself and your team a huge disservice.
As leaders we need to be locked into what someone is saying to be truly listening to what someone is saying instead of formulating our response or having a preconceived notion before the person talks. Restatement is the key to success, slow down and listen, when you reflect back to whoever you are talking to you are giving them, point one, two three of what you have hear. When you are actively listening you are giving the attention to the conversation that it deserves.
With open ears and open minds, join in and comment on the conversation and discover if you are truly listening or are you formulating your response and missing the story.
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NO MORE 'DIFFICULT' CONVERSATIONS: Have productive and respectful 'difficult' conversations vs. having to dread and avoid them: Download my FREE How To Have Difficult Conversations Guide lynxshort.com/DifficultConvo
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