Stop Being A Micromanager- Be A Coach & Guide Instead!

Nobody likes to be micromanaged and chances are you also don't want to be a micromanager. Be a coach instead.

Maybe you feel like you have to be detail-oriented or involved...maybe you ask yourself regularly "Why don't they get it?!"

You would much rather get on with doing YOUR job rather than making sure everyone is doing their own work and being committed rather than compliant.

You aren't alone.

In this episode Daryl gives three ways that you can move away from micromanagement and into guiding and coaching.
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Daryl helps senior leaders make an impact in their personal and professional lives by increasing productivity by 500%, getting their body & mind back on track and using leveraged leadership for less stress, more time and less overwhelm.

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A great combo of captioned, short form (one minute and less), mid-form (Ten Minute Leadership Tactics) and long form (video podcasts weekly).