The Keys To Interoperability & Collaboration During A Crisis

#interoperability #collaboration #incidentcommand #publicsafety
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As we are facing larger scale operations more frequently, disasters are getting high profile, with regards to its scope and scale, like earthquakes, wildfires and flooding. It is time for us to recognize that we need to get better at working together. In this video I talk about 3 critical pillars of leading through chaos, focusing on the keys to interoperability and collaboration, not the traditional command and control structure that has been engrained in us. We look at : 1. Providing Leadership - Remembering our Why; 2. The Human Factor - all the "numbers" in an evacuation are people, impacted and vulnerable people; 3. Structure - Strong Structure and Communication, but not so much in an org chart structure, but looking at communication and the flow.

If you are ready to approach interoperability and collaboration in an emergency in a different way,
put the strips away we are all in this together!

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