Leadership Skills of the Connected Leader:
Connected Leadership Episode 16: What needs to change?. Find more at: ↗️http://www.daryldblack.com/ Please Subscribe to us: ↗️https://bit.ly/2vr3QIJ
This video is presented by Daryl D. Black. This video is for Connected Leadership Episode 16: What needs to change?. This is a leadership motivation video. Daryl D Black is a Leadership coach. In this video Daryl D. Black talks about Leadership episode What needs to change. To watch this Leadership video you can know about Leadership episode What needs to change, leadership development, leadership motivation, leadership qualities. You also can know about How to Establish Yourself as a Leader.
In this episode, we are going to talk about the leaders that still lead by the culture of fear, which is a very useful tactic employed by leaders across history. Tune in to know more!
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0:00.0 well alright so let's take a look at this in a little bit more detail from a leadership perspective let's let's start in the upper left a culture of fear is a very useful tactic and technique employed by leaders throughout history if you were to look at it and even in this day and age there's often leaders that lead by culture fear would you agree or disagree so how would you know that a leaders using a culture of fear to motivate people what are some examples of that anyone yeah okay and in what way like right right
0:43.5 certainly it's it's not a hey you know what let's enact change bias towards action it's there will be consequences and probably- and they'll let you know that right that'll be the first thing it's not hey good work you know hope you do well it's like don't screw this up right yes oh yeah you're right because and we'll talk about the impact of the culture of fear but here's here's why it's used so often it's a very direct easy technique it really is and it gets you short-term success it really does if somebody's using a culture fear on me
1:19.1 I'll do it of course I'll I'll do but I'll do the bare minimum just so I have to you know just so I don't get in trouble but I'm certainly not going to be extending my respect to them for example so culture fear we see that all of the time and I think that's something that has to go away all right so the the individual in the middle that's the authoritarian that's you know kind of the leader centric style of leadership where it's really all about me and I remember as a young leader when I got into
1:57.0 search-and-rescue for example I was however old 2025 now but Wow that was funny oh this is a tough crowd I got it okay um I thought when I caught the president job I'm like yeah baby finally I'm gonna be able to do everything I want this is about me I would run meetings and I was like I thought I was so important I really did
I have this this ego because it was about me and it was appalled all about look dude I'm president like I'm a pretty big deal and you don't need to agree with me because I actually don't I
2:40.8 literally didn't care honestly I didn't care but as I've gotten slightly older a little bit more mature I can see now over the past years the impact that that has well so we'll talk about that this
individual in the upper right he's a micromanager thank goodness no one micromanages anymore this is one of my favorites actually
if basically what's interesting about micromanagement and-and-and I won't offend I don't mean to offend anybody here but the terms I remember working many times for a person that was probably deemed as a micromanager I not wants in an interview or a conversation
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❤️Connected Leadership Episode 7 : The Four Pillars of Leadership
❤️Connected Leadership Episode 8 : Leadership and Vulnerability
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